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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Basic Guide For Android Applications Development

The intensity of all the commercial activity surrounding Android applications development is both wonderful and ironic, because the project is open source. The market has grown so fast that Google's OS now enables one-third of all mobile phones being shipped out. But it's the future that's even more thrilling, because its market share is still growing at a fast clip.

No surprise that the cream of talented developers is focused on developing these apps on a corporate level. But it's probably best to begin with the basics. This smart phone OS is Linux-based, and the code for the apps is written in Java.

Java is, obviously, a pre-requisite for developers. If nothing else, a developer at least needs to be able to understand programming logic and then pick up the syntax required for the apps. Apart from this, all that is needed is to get the tools necessary and use them.

These tools can be found in the SDK, which can be downloaded. So can the Eclipse with an ADT plug-in. Eclipse provides the environment to build the apps. The software development kit (SDK) contains the tools required to build, test and debug the apps in an Eclipse environment.

The testing framework that comes with the SDK is used for test-running the apps. If it has to be done on a virtual device (without connecting a real phone) then the Android Virtual Device (AVD) will have to be set up. The complete and tested app project is then saved as a single file (. Apk) which is what the OS in the phone recognizes as an app.

While this will be a familiar process for those who have developed apps for other mobile operating systems, it might involve a learning curve for those new to it. Businesses looking to get their own app should know that customers demand very professional apps. And it is experience which makes the difference between good and bad Android app developer. Android applications development for a business is therefore best left to an expert who knows how to build an app that will make customers happy. 

By Gery Writer

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